Ranch Roots Genealogy Club


Pegg Ridolfo

Our April meeting of Ranch Roots will feature Rondi Yancey who has been chasing her ancestors for almost 30 years. As a baby genealogist she made all the typical mistakes, mostly in recording the source of her information but also in research techniques and strategies. After that many years of attending conferences and classes has given her a pretty good grasp of how to. But there is always more to learn, and after experimenting with a new genealogy program that addresses those very issues, she says, “Oh how I wish I’d had Evidentia to begin with!” (This is not a program that you use to create family trees, it is a tool that helps you capture and analyze information.) She recently solved a 30-year-old mystery using the techniques presented in Evidentia, and Rondi wants to share this great program with you. For both the beginning genealogist, and the more experienced researcher, this is an aide that is invaluable. Please join us on Monday, April 23, 2018, at 1:00 p.m. in the La Mesa Room. If you have any questions, please contact Pegg Ridolfo at peggmr@aol.com or 317-691-3950.