First place winners (photo by April Wollack)

Third place winners (photo by April Wollack)

Second place winners (photo by April Wollack)
Vickie Thomson
The SaddleBrooke Ranch Ranchette Putters hosted the SaddleBrooke MountainView Putters on May 1 for a fun tournament. The Cinco de Mayo decorations on the putting green and in the ballroom made for a festive atmosphere. The big winners were:
First place with an average score of 37.16: Diane Kirstine, Cindy Kries, Danielle Scamp, Loretta Gresham, Cyndi Hammonds, Janelle Sunberg
Second place with an average score of 37.4: Paula Fulton, Jackie Boll, Annette Moyle, Jan Junkin, Sherry Brinster
Third place with an average score of 37.8: Pat Schweighardt, Carolyn Kane, EJ Snearly, Raye Cobb, Sandy Sleigh
A big thanks to Susie Morrill and her event committee, and to Kelly and Tyler for a spectacular lunch!