Ranchette Putters Announce October Winners

October winners (photo by Pam Englehardt)

Pat Albu

Even with the excitement of our tournament at Quail Creek, the Ranchette Putters had a full month of putting, mostly with beautiful end-of-summer weather. Here are the lists of our October winners:

October Gross Winners

Lowest Average: Evie Falk, 35.25

Second Lowest: Mary Anderson, 36.0

Third Lowest: Nancy Tagge, 36.5

October Net Winners

Lowest Average: Karen Derdzinske, 35.667

Second Lowest: Camille Esterman, 36.467

Third Lowest: Linda Nicholson, 36.600

6 or More HolesinOne

6: Karen DerdInske, Mary Anne Frelund, Loretta Gresham, Marilyn Heasley, Monica Lyster, Debbie Penaluna, Janice Roach

7: Andrea Cothran, Evie Falk, Cyndi Hammonds, Janice Hynes, Joan Keane, Linda Keller, Debbie Kirscht, Corky Mansmith, Stacey Raaf, Sheryl Ratliff, Laura Sooy, Lore Weimer

8: Mary Anderson, Sherry Brinster, Susan Gitelson, Sandy Johnson, Jan Junkin, Terri Menning, Linda Noble, Evelyn Silver, Nancy Tagge

9: Sandy Getter

10: Gillian Cook

12: Linda Nicholson