Photos by Janice Neal
Lorretta Johnson
The SBR Ranchette Putters have been enjoying the new putting green and the challenges each week’s course presents. The other challenge has been figuring out what to wear due to the spring weather constantly changing. Just when you think it is warming up, the temps drop. And of course, there are the spring winds, which sometimes move your golf ball even before you hit it! Well, they are all things that create the friendly conversation and laughs that are a part of Putters.
The turnout each week has been great. There is a lot of chatting, laughter and cheering for those who make a hole-in-one. The close but not in the hole putts are met with sympathetic aaaw’s. There are, of course, lots of encouraging words and pats on the back for all putters.
The Ranchette Putters currently have 98 members. All ladies who are residents of SaddleBrooke Ranch are welcome to join. We meet at the putting green at 7:45 a.m. (our summer hours) each Wednesday. Following putting we go to the La Mesa Room in the La Hacienda Club for a brief meeting to recognize those who had holes-in-one and socialize for a short time. For further membership information, go to ranchetteputters.com.