The 2017 Ranchette Putters Board Members, from left: Mary Schlachter, treasurer; Jeannie Bianchini, statistician; Marian Bianchini, membership coordinator; Nancy Galant, president; Cindy Heck, event coordinator; Vicki Godbey, vice president and Terry Barringer, secretary. Photo by Deb Lawson
Linda Nicholson
In December 2016 the Ranchette Putters elected its 2017 board members. These lady putters meet every Wednesday morning to enjoy a challenge and some social time on the 18-hole putting green at SaddleBrooke Ranch. Golf or putting experience is not required, just a desire to engage in a fun outdoor activity with neighbors and friends.
This club has a wealth of generous volunteers who have shared their time and talents to help this club grow and be successful. The 2017 Board Members are president, Nancy Galant; vice president, Vicki Godbey; secretary, Terry Barringer; treasurer, Mary Schlachter; statistician, Jeannie Bianchini; membership, Marian Bianchini; and events coordinator, Cindy Heck.
The committee leads for 2017 are webmaster, Roberta Hanson; photographer, Deb Lawson; publicity, Linda Nicholson; apparel, Anne Terrell; board prep, Ellen Barton and Mary Tiemann; set up scheduling, Linda Thomson; set up reminders, Karen Gressingh; and sunshine, Lori Round.
A very sincere thank you is given to the 2016 outgoing board members and committee leads: vice president, Deb Lawson; secretary, Kerstin Seifert; webmaster, Martha Sampson; membership coordinator, Karen McIver; photographer, Jean Morgan; publicity, Loretta Johnson; board prep, Sandy Schlager and Marnie Leach; name tags, Priscilla Wolf; and sunshine, Carolyn Blake.
Under the 2016 leadership the club enjoyed a new event called Couples Putting, some putting instruction from two golf pros in October and a beautiful day of putting and lunch at Quail Creek in November. The club members are also looking forward to the annual awards luncheon to be held on January 18.
The Ranchette Putters meet every Wednesday morning at the putting green at SaddleBrooke Ranch near the Pro Shop. The club welcomes guests and new members. If you are interested in trying this activity and meeting ladies who enjoy a weekly social event, come on out on Wednesday morning. Putting begins at 9:00 a.m. so please be at the green by 8:45 a.m. with a putter and golf ball. For details on membership contact Marian Bianchini at [email protected].