Back row, left to right: Cindy Heck, Jeannie Bianchini, Deb Lawson, Karen McIver, Nancy Galant and Mary Schlachter; front row: Kerstin Seifert and Mary Lou Glazer; photo by Jean Morgan
Lorretta Johnson
The SaddleBrooke Ranch Ranchette Putters have welcomed in the New Year and the new 2016 Board and Committee Leads. The Board and Committee Leads for 2016 are as follows:
2016 Board Members: President, Nancy Galant; Vice President, Deb Lawson; Secretary, Kersten Seifert; Treasurer, Mary Schlachter; Statistician, Jeanne Bianchini; Membership, Mary Lou Glazer and Karen McIver; Events Coordinator, Cindy Heck.
2016 Committee Leads: Webmaster, Martha Sampson, backup Roberta Hanson; Publicity – Photo, Jean Morgan, backup Janice Neal; Publicity – Writer, Lorretta Johnson; Shirts and Apparel, Cherry Leger; Board Prep, Marnie Leach and Sandy Schlager; Set-up Reminder, Karen Gressingh; Name Tags, Priscilla Wolf; Sunshine, Lori Round and Carolyn Blake; Set-up Scheduling, Linda Thomson.
The new Board was introduced and held their first general meeting on Wednesday, January 6. All are looking forward to a great year with fun events and are especially excited about the new putting green. The old putting green had some super challenges with its very hilly course. The new green looks easier but may be deceiving and present its own set of challenges. The scores will answer that question! It will just be fun to get back to regular putting with all the laughs and camaraderie that come with being a Putter!
All SaddleBrooke Ranch ladies are welcome to join the club. If you are a golfer you know the short game is critical, and what better way to practice than when having fun with friends. If you don’t golf think of this as miniature golf without the windmills and an opportunity to meet new friends! You need a putter (Golden Goose is a good source, usually about $5) and a golf ball. Come join us!
A big welcome to all current and future Ranchette Putters for 2016!