Congratulations to the July winners!

June’s raffle winner, Valeria Zupancic, is pictured in her winning purchase. (Photo by Pat Albu)
Pat Albu
Here are the winners for July!
July Gross Winners: Lowest Average: Terri Stewart 34.000, Second Lowest: Marilyn Heasley 34.250, Third Lowest: Linda Noble 34.500
July Net Winners: Lowest Average Valeria Zupancic 32.133, Second Lowest: Cindy Kreis 33.433, Third Lowest: Cindy Hammonds 34.200
Six or more for the month:
6: Paula Burns, Karen Derdzinske, Sandy Getter, Janice Hynes, Evelyn Silver, Karen Walser
7: Andrea Cothran, Evie Falk, Jacque Hendricks, Sandy Jessop, Mary Leben, Sue Marx, Karen Rhoads, Nancy Tagge, Valeria Zupancic
8: Mary Anderson, Elaine Goedde, Sandy Johnson, Cindy Kreis, Donna Lura, Jean Sticha, Vickie Thomson, Beth Wilson, April Wollack
9: Doris Carlin, Cyndi Hammonds, Jan Junkin, Lynn Wagner
10: Debbie Penaluna, Janice Roach
11: Sherry Brinster, Gillian Cook, Cindy Cragin, Trish Minard, Barbara Saffran
12: Pam Engelhardt
13: Ruth Moore, Terri Stewart, Corine Sturdivant
14: Marilyn Heasley
15: Linda Noble
Also, at our monthly raffle, Lisa Moffatt was the winner of the big prize, a $100 gift card from the Pro Shop.