Kneeling from left: Jeanne Bianchini, Alyce Grover, Kersten Seifert, Pat Kanitz, Linda Bowman and Mary Tiemann; middle row: Beth Berzon, Margie DeStefano, Helga Stone and Linda Nicholson; back row: Alice Ann Lenzini, Karen McIver, Carol Sorenson, Corine Sturdivant, Priscilla Wolf, Ann Terrell, Elaine Klicker, Gloria Ihrig, Mary Ann Melhorn, Pat Vonk, Sally Carstens, Margie Jacox, Mary Schlachter and Linda Shannon-Hills
Linda Shannon-Hills
As the club looks for ways to keep the group engaged while the new putting green is being developed, the Ranchette Putters developed a new type of putting: wicket putting. We use wickets from a croquet set to hit our golf balls through. Each wicket is numbered 1-18, and a start pin with a corresponding number is used to determine the location to start the putting. On April 1 we had 28 ladies from the Ranchette Putters go out to the lawn area next to the La Hacienda sign. Many of the women commented on how much fun it was playing wicket putting, and the laughter confirmed the comments.
The Putters would like to thank Andrea Marchus and Tim Fudge for working with us to make this happen. They asked the landscapers to cut the grass shorter and to turn off the sprinklers. It almost worked, but much to our surprise the sprinklers came on about five minutes before we were finished.
We will continue to do wicket putting on the opposite weeks we don’t putt at HOA One during the month of May. The club will take a hiatus May 27 through July 8. We will start up again July 15.