October winners Trish Minard, Roxanne Watson, Doris Carlin, Corky Mansmith, and Sue Marx. Not all winners were present for the photo.
Pam Engelhardt
Ranchette Putters announce the following October Award winners:
Gross Average
Lowest Gross Average—Roxanne Watson—34.667
Second lowest Gross Average—Sue Marx—36.333
Third Lowest Gross Average—Trish Minard—37.80
Net Average
Lowest Net Average—Terry Menning—36.467
Second Lowest Net Average—Sharon Steen—36.767
Third Lowest Net Average—Corky Mansmith—37.633
Doris Carlin, Amy Donaldson, Cindy Kreis, and Terri Manning—Six Holes-in-One
Evelyn Silver—Eight Holes-in-One