Inflated flamingos; photo by Jean Morgan

Dome of pool noodles; photo by Jean Morgan

Arch of raised putters; photo by Jean Morgan
Lorretta Johnson
Quail Creek Lady Putters hosted the SBR Ranchette Putters on November 9 for a fun putting event and lunch. Twenty-seven Ranchette putters carpooled to make the drive. While it was windy, the weather was actually nice and it turned out to be a very pleasant day.
Upon arriving the Ranchette Putters walked through an arch of raised Quail Creek putters to welcome us. That was just the start of a very warm welcome and fun event. After registration and photos, putters went to the putting green, which had been set up with some very creative challenges. There was a gauntlet of inflated flamingos, a dome of pool noodles to maneuver through and a flip-flop obstacle. There was a lot of laughing on the green that day!
Following the putting everyone went inside to enjoy a lunch of taco salad and a dessert of cherry cobbler with ice cream. There were several awards and acknowledgements, and our own president, Nancy Galant, won for “Most Holes in One!”
It was a great adventure to go to Quail Creek and meet their Lady Putters. We look forward to putting with them again soon.