Photo credit: Ken Levitt
Kim Schweitzer
On September 13 nearly 40 residents of unit 16A gathered together at the Hacienda Club to “Rep our favorite sports team.” We wore shirts, hats (and even a cheese head!) representing teams from our home states. We may live in Arizona now, but we have that “home town” pride and aren’t afraid to show it! From as far east as New York and far north as Alaska and Canada, 16A is well represented.
A part of the program was devoted to a competitive game of sports trivia. We broke up into teams and tested our memories from sports long ago. There were prizes for the highest and lowest scores.
There were munchies and drinks, but the best part of the evening was the relaxing time we got to spend with our neighbors. We chatted, schmoozed and caught up on this and that and truly enjoyed each other’s company.
We are truly blessed to live in such a beautiful place with so many people with varied experiences to share.
A special thank you to Lorraine and Bill Smith for hosting and arranging this terrific get together.