2016 SSSA Board, back row: Jack Graef, Steve Garceau, Debbie Seguin and Mark Foster; front row: Ken Crossman, Stu Kraft and Charlie LaNeve. Photo by Pat Tiefenbach
Carol Chiarello
The 2016 Board of Directors for SaddleBrooke Senior Softball Association (SSSA) is busy planning several activities:
ROOKIE CAMP: Ongoing every Wednesday and Saturday starting at 10:00 a.m. at the softball field.
ROOKIE AND SKILLS CAMP: This is for players returning to softball after a long layoff (can you say 20 or 30 years?), those who want to learn about playing softball, as well as for those who want to improve their skills. The camp is free, and there is no obligation. No reservation is necessary; just show up at the field. Participants will have to sign a release of liability form required of everyone who plays at the field. Bats, balls and gloves are available at the field. New to softball? Intimidated by the thought of returning to softball? If you have questions, feel free to contact lead coach for Rookie Camp, Bob Chiarello, at 247-0891.
ST. PATRICK’S DAY TOURNAMENT: Each year there are four softball tournaments featuring teams with your friends and neighbors. For St. Patrick’s Day the tournament took place on Saturday, March 19. Dr. Patrick Shaffer, DDS, was our sponsor for this event. A good time was had by all.
GRANDKIDS’ GAMES: The following week, on Saturday, March 26, Steve Garceau and his team of coaches will be at the softball field for our annual Easter/Spring Break Grandkids’ Games. Kids aged 4 up to teens are invited to hit the ball, run the bases and meet our patient and encouraging coaches. Treats are also handed out! Look for more details to be forwarded by the HOA Newsletter regarding Grandkids’ Activities.
Softball is played year round at our beautiful stadium. We have nearly 160 men and women from SaddleBrooke, SaddleBrooke Ranch and Oro Valley playing on teams. Want to find out more? Please contact Stu Kraft at 825-1466 or [email protected].