A “College for Kids” classroom
SBCO supports “College for Kids”
Each summer Central Arizona College Foundation offers a two-week science enrichment program, “College for Kids,” for 50 children between the ages of seven and 11. Students from Oracle, San Manuel, Mammoth, Dudleyville, Hayden, Kearney and Superior come to the Central Arizona College campus to participate in hands-on activities led by teachers and college student aides. This year’s program will focus on “Earth Science.” Each year’s program focuses on a theme, and students are given instruction and opportunities to use the college’s computer lab, library and classrooms. Through the program students acquire a wealth of information on that summer’s theme, explore the local college campus, envision their future educational goals, stay physically and mentally active through the summer months, and most of all have fun. Some students later become group leaders (during their high school years), providing them with civic leadership opportunities and community service hours. Every year more children ask to become group leaders, a clear sign they value the program. At the end of the program the students’ projects are displayed and they take home science journals that contain their own notes and drawings.
Tuition for the program is $210 per student, which covers transportation, instructional supplies, teachers’ and coordinators’ salaries, field trip and presenter fees, a t-shirt and a group photograph. Most families request scholarship funds since they cannot afford the full amount. College for Kids is funded through student tuition fees and donations from local businesses and individuals. SaddleBrooke Community Outreach is the program’s top donor having increased its grant level over the years so that more local students can benefit from this unique educational enrichment program.
Get ready to work
The 21st annual SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) Walkathon will be held at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 28. This fundraising event helps SBCO support an ever-expanding group of programs benefiting youngsters in nearby communities. Registration for the Walkathon opens on Thursday, September 28, following the SBCO general meeting. This meeting, which features the popular “Golden Goose Fashion Show,” will be held at 3:00 p.m. at the MountainView Ballroom. The $30 per person walkathon registration fee covers the cost of a commemorative t-shirt and breakfast. Beginning on September 29 walkers can register every Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. at the SBCO office at Suite L in the mini-mart plaza. Plan now to sign up for this enjoyable event.
Summer backpack season
SaddleBrooke Community Outreach’s Kids’ Closet doesn’t go on hiatus, even when the school year ends. Annually the program purchases backpacks and fills them with grade-appropriate school supplies for the coming school year. Backpacks have already been purchased and loaded with much needed supplies, such as ruled paper, folders, scissors, pencils, glue, eraser and crayons. May through July the backpacks will be delivered to eight elementary schools in the Copper Corridor, including those in Mammoth, San Manuel, Oracle, Winkelman, Superior, Kearney and Miami. When the school year begins in August, the backpacks will be distributed to delighted students in grades one through six.
Put your aluminum cans to work
For more than a decade, SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) has been recycling donated aluminum cans to raise funds for clothing, food and educational programs that benefit children in nearby communities. Using the recycling services of Tucson Iron & Metal, SBCO has to date raised $48,099.
To recycle bags or boxes full of aluminum cans, simply turn off Ridgeview at the driveway for 40007 S. Ridgeview Drive (a green sign marks this as the entrance to pickleball parking). The recycling container is located on the left side of the drive, before you reach the Lago Del Oro and SaddleBrooke Utilities offices. Simply drive up to the recycling bin and deposit the cans. Please be sure take your bag, box or other container home with you since items other than aluminum cans in the bin result in an extra handling fee. Every three or four months, the container is replaced and SBCO reaps the rewards of your recycling efforts.

Hotel toiletries
Bring home those little bottles of shampoo
Going on vacation? Bring home from your hotel stay those unopened bottles of shampoo, conditioner or lotion and Kids’ Closet will put them to good use. Annually, in the spring and fall, Kids’ Closet provides school wardrobes to approximately 3300 needy children in our tri-county area. In addition to shoes, clothing and books, they are given soap, toothpaste and a toothbrush. Children in grades four and above particularly appreciate receiving a small bag of hotel toiletries instead of the soap.
Donations of hotel toiletries are collected all year long and can be delivered to the SaddleBrooke Community Outreach office, located at Suite L in the SaddleBrooke market complex, during regular weekday office hours. The office phone number is 825-3302. SaddleBrooke Ranch residents can bring their donations to the front desk at the clubhouse. Jan Olsson, who picks up those donations, can be contacted at 825-7283. Toiletry donations also can be brought to the Kids’ Closet in Mammoth when volunteering. Stalwart volunteer Willie Reich bags the collected items, which then are distributed to students when they shop at Kids’ Closet in the fall and spring.