Dave Rutkowski receiving his award for first place low net from Jeff Shields of Charles Schwab (photo by Scott Baker)
Scott Baker
The SaddleBrooke Men’s Putters held its third Quarterly Awards Breakfast at the Agave Lounge on Nov. 3. More than 50 members showed up for the breakfast and award presentations. The following awards were presented for Lowest Average Gross Scores: 1st place—Dave Rutowski, 2nd place—Bruce Anderson, 3rd place—Dave Gartner. For Lowest Average Net Scores: 1st place—Ron Ruud, 2nd place—Roland Darimont, 3rd place—Dave Gartner. For Most Improved Putter: 1st place—Bob Auld, 2nd place—Don Merritt, 3rd place—Joe Fiorito. All awards were donated generously by Charles Schwab and Sonora Investment Management.
After the awards breakfast, the Men’s Putters adjourned to the putting green for a wet and blustery opening round for the new year. Twenty-eight men endured the wind, rain, and sleet to play 18 holes. The results were as follows: Teams’ Low Net Average—1st place team: Howie Fagan, Craig Griffin, Johan Lund, Dick Steinsvaag; 2nd place team: Scott Baker, Jim Becker, Steve Solberg, Don Stone; 3rd place tied teams: Bobby Carbone, Jim Jevne, Don Merritt, Bob Turcott, Joe Leone and Nick E. Mares, Nick T. Mares, Mike Shave; Low Net Winners with scores of 34 and 1st place: S. Solberg, D. Stone; 2nd place with a score of 36: D. Merritt; and 3rd place with a score of 37: J. Lund, B. Myers, D. Steinsvaag, J. Szentirmai.
SaddleBrooke Men’s Putters invite all men from HOA One, HOA TWO, The Preserve, and the Ranch to practice your putting once a week in a congenial competition with other guys. We putt every Thursday morning (10 a.m. winter, 8 a.m. summer, 9 a.m. spring/fall) on the main SaddleBrooke One putting green. We putt 18 holes (par 36 and use handicaps to even-out the random teams competing for prizes—$3, $2, $1), and have individual gross and net prizes ($5, $3, $1) each week. Pay $1 to putt each week with a $20 annual membership fee. Try it by putting as a guest, one time, for free. Just show up Thursday morning about 15 minutes early.