Kathy Majer
The SaddleBrooke Mother/Daughter group has been dining around town on the third Tuesday of each month for many years. Our goal is to give the moms and daughters some socialization and networking time.
Once a year we are treated to a beautiful complementary luncheon at Fairwinds at Desert Point, an independent and assisted living community, on La Reserve Dr. We are greeted with beautifully decorated tables and mimosas. That’s right…they serve champagne! We enjoy a delicious three course meal and leave with delightful party favors. The staff at Fairwinds always makes us feel so special.
The mothers and daughters enjoy lunch at various restaurants around town the other eleven months of the year. We celebrate the birthday month of our moms with a cake, provided by the daughter of the birthday mom.
If you are a SaddleBrooke or SaddleBrooke Ranch mom or daughter with a mom or daughter in the Tucson area and would like to enjoy some additional socialization and networking with others, please contact Kathy Majer at 825-2999 or email her at jazzerlady2@icloud.com. We are looking forward to meeting you!