The Annual Pet Food Drive: Helping Pets in Need
Don’t miss SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network’s pet food drive on Friday, Sept. 30, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. being held at the HOA One parking lot near the Bocce Ball courts. This food drive benefits The Pets in Need Action League (P.I.N.A.L.), which provides temporary pet food assistance to qualified residents of Pinal County who may be struggling to provide for their pets. P.I.N.A.L. relies on grants and donations, as they receive no municipal, county, or federal funding. Please drop off your unopened dry or canned dog/puppy and cat/kitten food—only food—not other pet items. Other pet items can be dropped off at SBPRN’s First Friday Drop Off, which is Oct.7.
Wags & Walkers Seeking Donations for Upcoming “I Don’t Want It” Sale
Thanks to the support of our wonderful SaddleBrooke neighbors, Wags & Walkers was able to donate more than $6,000 of equipment to support the clinic at Pima Animal Care Center (PACC) as well as the volunteer dog walkers at PACC. We are grateful for your continuing enthusiastic support for this annual fundraiser. In 2022 we were able to donate an anesthesia pump, several X-ray mitts and aprons, a vaporizer and two laryngoscope sets to the PACC clinic from the 2021 proceeds. In addition, we were able to donate several communication radios to the PACC volunteers to be used by dog walking volunteers.
We are gearing up to collect donations for the 2022 “I Don’t Want It” Sale. This year’s sale will be held on Saturday, Oct. 15. Wags & Walkers will again be attending with our For Pet’s Sake Boutique. We are looking for donations only of gently-used jewelry, scarves, purses, and accessories. You may drop off your donations at:
* 63457 E. Squash Blossom Lane inside the wall under the ramada between the casita and the house OR
* 65264 E. Emerald Ridge Drive on the bench near the front door.
* No need to ring the doorbell or knock on the door please.
* Please drop off all your donations no later than Saturday, Oct. 1.
If you are interested in more information on this event, please contact Kay Erb at [email protected] or Monica Gray at [email protected].

Lago is adopted and living the good life!
Happy Tail
Romayne Trudo
It was one of those blistering hot days in July when a SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network (SBPRN) Lost & Found volunteer received a call from the SaddleBrooke water department. An employee of the department reported seeing a cat in the area for several days. She said it looked to be very thin and terrified. A Havahart trap was immediately set up with food, water, and a blanket inside, and the trap was placed in the area where the kitty was last seen.
At 6:30 the next morning, Helen, the kind-hearted person who made the original call for help, called the volunteer to say that the kitty was in the trap. Hallelujah!
Fortunately, the kitty was allowed to stay in the air-conditioned water department office for a few hours, while SBPRN tried to arrange for a short-term foster. The kitty was not microchipped and no one had reported her missing to SaddleBrooke patrol or posted a lost cat on Nextdoor SaddleBrooke.
As luck would have it, Matthew, an employee of the water department had been looking to adopt an adult kitty and he asked if it would be possible to adopt this homeless girl. We were all delighted. The staff at the water department knew Matthew to be a kind, animal-loving individual. She went home with Matthew that day, and he named her “Lago.” She has bonded with her new person and is living the good life. She is one lucky girl. We’re not sure how she ended up outside on her own, but her future is looking bright now.
SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network’s Monthly Pet Donation Drop-Off Program
Karyle Steele
Our various pet charities are always in need and are always thankful for your donations. Please consider dropping off any of the items listed below. Cash donations are also accepted and appreciated. The drop off location is at the HOA One Bocce Ball courts. It is the first Friday of every month.
Please do not leave items unattended.
Drop off times September through April are 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.
Items We Can Take:
Crates (no greater than 30” and broken down)
Pet beds/crate pads
Pet food/water bowls
Pet toys
Pet treats
Pet food
Pet gates
Pet medication (must not be beyond expiration date)
Pet sweaters/coats
Grooming tools
Cat litter boxes
Cat litter
Cat scratching posts or pads
Puppy pads/doggie diapers
Training tools
Bath towels (no hand towels, washcloths)
All items should be gently used and washed prior to donation. Items should be in working order.
Please no washcloths, hand towels, or sheets.