SaddleBrooke Ranch GOP Club Hosts Sheriff Mark Lamb

Mark Lamb

Deena Ream-Robinson

Happy New Year, SaddleBrooke Ranch! We invite you to our Feb. 19 meeting when our featured speaker will be former sheriff Mark Lamb. Hear about his new job with FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform). Bring your questions!

The SBR GOP Club meets the third Wednesday of each month from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the Sol Ballroom at the Ranch House. All are welcome. We have a new board of directors headed by Ken Robinson, president, and Barry Brunetto, vice-president. They are busy organizing programs for the coming year and they welcome more volunteers.

Our goal is to educate our community about people and issues at the local, state, and federal level. Please watch for our meeting announcements in the Robson Weekly Reminder. See you there! Questions? Contact Ken Robinson at [email protected] or Barry Brunetto at [email protected].