The Lady Niners
Janice Neal
The Lady Niners celebrated the season with a Holiday Happy Hour hosted by Ardie Rossi at her lovely home. We all enjoyed looking at her beautiful Christmas tree (with a running electric train below) and festive decorations. The party was attended by 18 of our members. Everyone brought a delicious appetizer to share, and Ardie provided the wine and drinks. We all agreed that it’s fun to get together and socialize off of the golf course.
The Lady Niners is a casual group intended to provide a way to learn or improve golf in a relaxed environment. Although there are no dues, by-laws or officers, participants may be asked to volunteer for events and outings in the community. Additionally from time to time we are invited to participate in events sponsored by other groups in the area. Both are excellent ways to meet other golfers and further experience the social aspects of our community and the game of golf. The focus of the group is to have fun while maintaining pace of play and observing the general etiquette of the golf course.
If you are interested in further information about the group, please contact or visit our web page at: http://www.saddlebrookeranch.org/ladyNiners/ladyniners.pdf or via the SBR HOA Clubs web page.