Debbie Treacy (left) and Deena Ream-Robinson

Santa gift

Mary-Anne Mehlhorn
Deena Ream-Robinson
Ho, Ho, Ho! The Republican Women of Action met in the Sol Ballroom for an afternoon of Holiday Cheer. Santa’s elves greeted guests and sold tickets for “Under Santa’s Tree.” The tables were decorated in Christmas greens and reds with American flags to remind the ladies of who we are. Carolee Bailey welcomed all the attendees, Marion Ewing led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Colleen Carey offered the invocation. A short music video highlighted the work of the “SBR Ladies for President Trump” and the successful “Honk and Wave” program at Sammy’s Mexican Grill in Catalina. After the video, a delicious lunch was served. Vickey Godbey introduced the luncheon speaker, Neal Carter, who ran for election to the Arizona House of Representatives in the 2020 election. He offered thoughts on the 2020 election and where we go in 2021. Raffle prizes “Under Santa’s Tree” were announced next. Carolee Bailey offered closing remarks. Special thanks to Kelly Cardwell and her crew for a delicious luncheon that was expertly served. If you would like to join like-minded women, we invite you to our monthly meetings. We meet on the fourth Monday of every month from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Meetings are held in the La Montana/La Mesa rooms in the La Hacienda Club.