SaddleBrooke Ranch Roots Genealogy Club news


Pegg Ridolfo

There won’t be a Ranch Roots meeting in December. Please look forward to our new year of discoveries.

Have you ever wondered where your ancestors lived, or about distant cousins? Do you have boxes of old photos or documents “left” to you and are overwhelmed at where to start? Genealogy is an interesting and intriguing journey that can provide you with hours of fascinating discoveries. Some of the topics we are planning for the next year are 1. Starting your Tree and how to organize a multitude of information. 2. What is MtDNA and what can we expect to discover? 3. The Ancestry website why so many people use it. 4. The importance of Land Records and Maps in our research. 5. Ethnicity in our Family Tree. And a field trip to the Family History Center.

Please mark your calendars for Monday, January 22, 2018, and join us at 1:00 p.m. in the La Mesa Room. If you have any questions please call Pegg Ridolfo at 317-691-3950 or email me at