SaddleBrooke Rotarians joined together for a wonderful meal and fundraiser for 130 Oracle community members. Pictured from left to right in the back row are John Howard (chair of the Community Services Committee), Linda Howard, Gordon Wainwright, and Bill Demeroutis, and in the front row are Ellie Brown, Liese Razzeto, and Diane Demeroutis.
Barbara Barr Bengen, Joe Guyton, and Bill Demeroutis
Can you imagine trying to escape a house fire and having to drop your infant son from a second story window to the arms of a person down below. That’s what happened to the mother of the Mullineux family of five who just lost their Oracle home to fire. The two family dogs hid and did not make it out. Mom, dad, and three sons are now renting a home in San Manual that has not been lived in for over 30 years.
Neighbors from the SaddleBrooke Rotary Club, the Ranch, and the community of Oracle stepped up to help the Mullineux family. Both the Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke and the Oracle Community Center provided Walmart gift cards so the family could purchase a few immediate needs. Then the two organizations put together a fundraiser to assist the family.
The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke and the Oracle Community Center have been teaming up on community projects for several years, so it was easy for them to collaborate on a fundraiser for the Mullineux family. Together they planned a luncheon fundraiser.
On May 6, SaddleBrooke Rotarians joined together to purchase, prepare, serve, and clean up a wonderful meal for 130 Oracle community members. This event was expanded to include financial support for the Mullineux family. In addition to members of the Oracle community, residents of SaddleBrooke Ranch also attended the luncheon. Together the Rotarians and the Oracle Community Center raised over $6,000 to help the Mullineux family. Furthermore, checks and other donations are still coming in.
“The support for this family was amazing. We had people give assistance from our club, the Oracle community, and from SaddleBrooke Ranch,” commented Rotarian Bill Demeroutis. Bill is a SaddleBrooke resident who serves on the Board of Directors of the Oracle Community Center. He also chairs the Rotary Club’s Environmental Committee and sits on both the Rotary Club’s Board of Directors and the Board of Directors of the SaddleBrooke Rotary Foundation.
One of the mottos of Rotary International is “People of Action.” Rotarians from SaddleBrooke quickly responded to the needs of the Mullineux family. Then they involved other neighbors to help neighbors. Rotary is the world’s largest volunteer organization and in more countries than the Red Cross, McDonald’s, or Starbucks. This is just one thing we do!
Come visit and help make a difference in the world! The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke meets Thursdays at the Ranch House at SaddleBrooke Ranch. We have lunch in the dining room at 11 a.m. followed by a meeting and program in the ballroom.
For more information, contact Diane Demeroutis at [email protected].