Photo compliments of Adam Block
SaddleBrooke Skygazers Astronomy Club presents…Planet 9
Rita Fletcher
Want a breath of fresh air from the news on planet Earth? Enjoy learning about the latest goings on in our solar system. Renu Malhotra, LPL, a hotshot in her field will astound you with information. She is a Professor of Planetary Sciences at the U of A, has a Ph.D. in Physics from Cornell and is an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She has revolutionized our understanding of the history of the solar system and will present further evidence on planet 9 and the reshaping of our solar system. Planet 9, beyond Pluto, is about four to 10 times more massive than Earth. Research teams indicate that evidence is growing that something is warping our solar system. The object, while not seen, is making its presence known by an echo, wobbling and twisting the orbits of nearby objects in relation to the sun.
Renu Malhotra will be speaking at the HOA One Activity Center on Sunday, February 12, at 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Take advantage of another event sponsored by the SkyGazers: a star party held at the SaddleBrooke softball field parking lot Wednesday, February 15, at 7:00-9:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome! Look at the night sky through members’ computerized telescopes already programed to zero in on celestial bodies not visible to the naked eye. It is another other worldly experience. You may bring your own telescope or binoculars; come early to set up. This event may be postponed or canceled due to weather. The next star party is March 16.
SkyGazers also sponsors field trips and social events for members. Field trips have been to Steward Observatory Mirror Lab, Flandrau Science Center and Planetarium, and the U of A Observatory at Mt. Lemmon for Skynights. A bus trip is planned to Kitt Peak National Observatory in the spring. The SaddleBrooke Sky Gazers Astronomy Club meets the second Sunday of each month in the HOA One Activity Center and has monthly star parties. Meetings feature a speaker either from the U of A, an observatory or a club member. If you wish more information or join and become a member, come to the monthly meeting or simply send an email to Sam Miller, [email protected] or call 520-468-2525.