At Air National Guard, left to right: George Bidwell, President STS; A/F Major Paul Jefferson; Barb Garve, ANG Family Support; A/F M/SGT Trevor Harvey; Sheldon Israel, VP STS.
On November 12, SaddleBrooke Troop Support (STS) distributed $4,500 in food gift cards for Army, Air Force and Navy/Marine active military/veterans and their families for the holidays. The Air Force National Guard received the donation and will distribute to the other organizations. The photo was taken at the Air National Guard grounds. A special thanks goes to Joe Voisine for collecting thousands of dollars toward this effort.
Earlier this month, STS also provided 709 hardcover and paperback books, 179 articles of winter clothing for homeless veterans, 450 toiletries and 75 greeting and playing cards to the Tucson VA Hospital.
Throughout the year, STS performs a variety of services to assist our veterans, such as:
Stocking the Tucson airport Military Lounge with soft drinks, fruit juices, snacks and comfort items.
Supporting the food banks at three military installations in Tucson.
Providing audio CDs and tapes to the Blind Unit at the VA.
Conducting baby showers to collect items and funds for expectant military families. More than 40 of these baskets, valued at over $150 each, have been delivered so far this year.
Providing rent or utility assistance for a military family in dire need.
SaddleBrooke Troop Support is a 501(c)(3) all volunteer organization and 100% of donations support activities and services for active duty military and veterans in the Tucson area. Visit www.saddlebrooke-troop-support.com for more information and how to participate or donate.