Director Jesus Jacquez is always teaching during rehearsal. (Photo by Dawn A. Walker)
Dawn A. Walker
SaddleBrooke Winds and Strings is ready to entertain! There’s nothing like good music to take one away from the ups and downs of daily life.
Merriment and antics will ensue as the group plays a variety of music you may or may not expect during the holiday season. The theme for our Dec. 21 concert is “Winter Potpourri.” This will prove to be a true variety show, with something for everyone.
This program will feature “Christmas and Sousa Forever” (a mashup of Christmas Carols and Sousa Marches), “Theme from Schindler’s List,” selections from “Into the Woods,” “Palladio,” “Fantasia on Greensleeves,” “The Cave You Fear,” and “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring.” There will also be Chanukah pieces, and a band standard. Don’t miss it!
SBWS’s Music Director, Jesus Jacquez, is an active musician in several Tucson ensembles, and an experienced band and orchestra teacher.
Tickets ($10 + $1.50 handling fee) are now on sale at DVPac.net.