To thank Chapter EP for their support, University of Arizona graduate students treated members of PEO Chapter EP to a tour of their campus and shared their graduate research.
Barbara Barr Bengen
It’s back! Save the date of Friday, April 11 for “Compassion for Fashion, Women Helping Women Reach for the Stars,” the P.E.O. Fashion Show. The women of P.E.O. Chapter EP invite you to join them for lunch and J. Jill fashions at the MountainView Ballroom. The P.E.O. chapter will be raising funds to support women in higher education.
“Compassion for Fashion, Women Helping Women Reach for the Stars” raises funds for scholarships for women to achieve their dreams. Each year, the P.E.O.s support women in both graduate and undergraduate work in a variety of fields. But these scholarships are more than financial support; they are also about the special relationships the P.E.O. chapter develops with the recipients as they pursue their goals.
This year’s entertainment features the harmonic voices of the men of SaddleBrooke Barbershop Chorus. This popular group will delight the audience with their amazing talent. Their four-part harmony without instruments is a hallmark of this American born musical style.
Watch the papers for more information on this exciting event. We’ll soon be announcing the details of the ticket sales, and you don’t want to miss out. Tickets are usually gone on the first day.
Mark that calendar for April 11! Help us raise funds to support women as they pursue higher education. We are women helping women reach for the stars!