Daisies watercolor artwork painted by instructor Karen Brungardt

Watercolor artwork, Arizona Sunrise, painted by instructor Karen Brungardt
Dale Farland
Many SaddleBrooke Ranch members of the SBR Art Club have expressed interest in learning the fundamentals of watercolor painting. Well, now is your opportunity to learn this artistic medium. SaddleBrooke resident and artist Karen Brungardt will be teaching this class over four Thursday morning sessions starting Jan. 5, 2023.
You may have seen Karen’s artwork as she displays her work at Absolutely Art Gallery in Catalina, as well as the Southern Arizona Watercolor Guild gallery on Broadway. She has attained the Signature Member status and has earned the Saguaro Fellow Level (the highest level of achievement available) with the Southern Arizona Watercolor Guild. She is also the President of the SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild. She will be sharing her years of experience with participants.
Beginner Watercolor Painting class description: Starting with the absolute basics, you will learn (step by step) the basics to becoming a watercolor artist. You will learn how to use brushes to their fullest potentials, why paper matters, color mixing design elements, and composition. Each lesson builds on the last lesson and culminates in a painting on the last day.
Dates for the 4 classes: Thursdays, Jan. 5, Jan. 12, Jan. 19, and Jan. 26
Time: 8 to 11 a.m. in the SBR Art Room
Class fee: $165; fee includes instruction, didactic materials, photos, and demonstration.
Class size limit: Minimum: 5, Maximum: 16
Payment deadline date: Thursday, Dec. 29
Materials participants need to bring: A detailed supply list (with recommendations for locations to purchase and types of paint, brushes, and materials) will be provided upon registration and payment for class. Once you learn how to paint in watercolor, you will want to continue.
Registration: Please deposit your check made out to “SBR Art Club” in the amount of $165 for the class in the black lock box located directly outside of the Art Room, located within the SBR Creative Arts and Tech Center. If you have any questions, please contact Dale Farland, treasurer of the SBR Art Club, at [email protected].