SaddleBrooke Ranch community golf attendees
The date is set: Sunday, April 3, 2016!
Whether or not you consider yourself a golfer, this event is for you! Four person teams compete against the other teams. But normal golf rules are discarded, and all that really matters is how many times you putt once the ball is on the green. For non-golfers you can just ride in the golf cart until the play gets to the green. There is a spot on each green that “putters only” will place their ball and count your putts from there. It is fun and normally the best golfers do NOT win! So grab your spouse, significant other or friend and be sure to sign up for the event! There is a limited number of players that can sign up so get in early! Singles are also encouraged to sign up; we will match you with another single.
After golf a dinner will be held in the Hacienda. You need not golf to sign up for this dinner, but again there is a limit to how many can be handled so sign up early! Golfers do receive a priority for dinner.
The most important part of the day is the fundraising that we do. All proceeds above expenses for the event are given to SaddleBrooke Community Outreach. This charity provides scholarships to deserving and needy high school seniors in the surrounding cities. Many of the local businesses are sponsors for this event, and many more provide great gifts that are raffled off after dinner! You will receive some raffle tickets with your dinner, but more tickets will be for sale at the dinner. So when you see something you really want, load your tickets on that item to give yourself a better chance to win. All gifts are donated so all proceeds from the raffle go to SaddleBrooke Community Outreach.
In addition to the golf and the dinner, several Ranchers have generously donated cash and/or checks to SaddleBrooke Community Outreach. So if you can’t make it to golf or dinner you can still share some of your good fortune with those that are more needy by writing a check to SaddleBrooke Community Outreach. Last year this event raised over $5,000 for the charity. We are hoping to significantly increase that amount this year! This is the biggest golf event of the year and the best opportunity for you to join in the fun and share with those that wouldn’t get to college without the assistance of SaddleBrooke Community Outreach and the funds we raise.
News Alert! Donations made to SaddleBrooke Community Outreach before April 18 are eligible for the $400 per couple or $200 per individual Tax Credit on your 2015 Arizona tax return if you have not already received credit for a SBCO contribution for 2015. If you have, it can be credited to your 2016 tax return. This means that it costs you $0 except for the time between contribution and filing your Arizona tax return.
Thanks to the Ranchers that supported us in the past, and thanks in advance to all who open their wallets a little to help the less fortunate.
There have been instructions for signing up in the weekly reminder sent out from Alex. By the time this article is printed, registration will have been opened and possibly filled up. If you need instructions for signing up please contact Ted Wierman at [email protected] or 503-858-7120. This event fills up fast so don’t delay! If you can’t do either golf or dinner, please consider a donation to SaddleBrooke Community Outreach! If you haven’t previously received credit for 2015, you will get 100% of your money back on your Arizona taxes!