Tracy DuCharme
Nancy Borcalli
SaddleBrooke Ranch Conservatives in Action (SBR CIA), formerly SBR Women of Action, meets the fourth Monday of each month at the SBR La Hacienda Clubhouse in the La Mesa/La Montana Rooms from 10 a.m. to noon. Women and men are welcome to join our club. We offer social and educational events!
Mark your calendars: The February general meeting is Monday, Feb. 26. Our special guest speaker will be Tracy DuCharme, Arizona executive director for American Majority. Tracy spends much of her time traveling throughout Arizona speaking to conservative clubs, groups, and organizations. She was the host of her own weekly radio show “Real Talk.” Tracy currently resides in Chandler with her husband and two children. Tracy will join us to discuss “Ballot In—Ballot Out,” an important topic as we prepare for the 2024 election!
In January, our club was pleased to have Sheila Muehling, one of our members, as our guest speaker! Sheila has been involved in business and the political realm in Arizona for more than 21 years. As a fiscal conservative, she has held several positions over the years (e.g., Maricopa County Treasurer, First Vice Chairman of Maricopa County GOP, and Arizona Republican Party State Treasurer). Due to her involvement as a public servant in Arizona, Sheila has become very knowledgeable on many topics, including “Ranked Choice Voting.” As a result, Sheila offered important information to the group on this subject.
Following each meeting, everyone is invited to a non-hosted, get-acquainted lunch at the SBR Hacienda Bistro or a local restaurant. The location will be announced at the meeting.
For meeting/event details, please contact us at [email protected].