Pegg Ridolfo
The March meeting of Ranch Roots will be dedicated to “Appreciating Ancestry – Accessing and Research Avenues.” Genealogy has become a hot topic and getting hotter. Some may have received a DNA test over the holidays and are confused as where to begin with the information they’ve received. is a good place to start. In 1980, Jeri Taylor inherited a mountain of family research done by her parents. She has continued the search for distant cousins, shared stories and photographs. Much of her research has been done on Ancestry in conjunction with the Family Tree Maker software program. Jeri will give us an overview of, how to use the various resources available to enhance our family history research, merging information into a tree, reaching out to DNA matches and more. Please join us on Monday, March 26, 2018, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the La Mesa Room. If you have any questions, contact Pegg Ridolfo at or 317-691-3950.