Sue Cook and Paula Cartwright accept their winning prizes at the Ranch House cocktail party

Wayne Watkins and Tim Baker were first in the men’s Survivors bracket
Michael McDonagh
The big winner of our Serve for the Cure Tournament was the American Cancer Society, as we raised more than $3,200 for the charity!
Sue Cook and her remarkable helpers put on an event second-to-none over three days of competition. The camaraderie between the players was matched only by the many spectators, who came to support the cause dressed in pink from 7 in the morning, when “The Star-Spangled Banner” was played, until afternoon.
The event was in two brackets and the winners were:
* Warrior: Claire Lawson and Susan Swanson, and Terry Zimmerman and John Nicolich
* Survivor: Paula Cartwright and Sue Cook, and Tim Baker and Wayne Watkins
The SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association wish to thank their sponsors without whom this event is not possible: Tucson Subaru, Golf Cars of Arizona, Wanda Fudge of Long Realty, Sonoran Dreams, Chiropractic USA, New York Life, Hohenstein & Schwarz Dentistry, and State Farm Insurance.