Red, White & Blue SBRWGA and Lady Niners Golf Tournament on July 2 (photo By Barb Simms)
Patti Jo Lewis
The Red, White & Blue SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) and Lady Niners Golf Tournament was held on July 2. Hot, hot, hot days on the course! There were 59 golfers divided into two flights. A dozen Lady Niners joined our outing. Flight One had eight teams, seven teams with four players and one team with three, plus a blind draw. Flight Two had seven teams, and six teams completed the tournament. One team did not finish. Our Tournament Sponsor was Morris Hall. Many thanks to our Social Committee for arranging our delicious ice cream bar. It was greatly appreciated.
Results are presented below. Exceptionally impressive scores were earned by the first place finishers in both flights. Kudos ladies!
Flight 1
First place: Barb Simns, Stephanie Gaskill, Charlotte Burrill, Susan Knight
Second place: Patty Cimo, Carol Garofalo, Mindy Hawkins, Lunn Beard
Third place: Diane Taylor, Charlotte Graham, Lani Warren, Leslie Hopkins
Fourth place: Monika Bartko, Debbie Ferguson, Kay First, Kay Grady
Flight 2
First place: Trisha Kelly, Michelle Carter, Kay Johnson, Pam Engelhardt
Second place: Lynn Skeele-Flynn, Deb Lawson, Patti West, Susan Engebretson
Third place: Carol Mihal, Julie Ross, Kathi Dyer, Valeria Zupancic
Fourth place: Nanci Messner, Evelyn Falk, Evie Thompson, Jackie Elphic
Closest to the Pin Team Platinum, Pride Solar Panel Cleaning, Floor Coverings International, and Stone Canyon Painting. Our winners are:
Hole #2: Deb Lawson
Hole #6: Cathy Steel
Hole #12: Trisha Kelly
Hole #14: Carol Mihal
The Southern Arizona Telegraph Tournament, held on June 18, was won by our own president, Pam Horwitt, shooting the lights out at net #1 over par score.
The Charity Golf Scramble—Impact Arizona will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 13. All SBR golfers are invited to participate. A GHIN handicap is not required. Cost is $75 person (plus green fees if you are not an Annual or Play Card Holder). Put your foursomes together and join in the event to raise lots of money. There will be a wonderful raffle and a tasty luncheon. Look for the flyer on our website at sbrwga.com, at the Ranch Pro Shop, or on the SBRWGA bulletin board at the Pro Shop.