SBRWOW Second Year Anniversary Party with Chuck Moses

Deb McGiboney

On March 21, the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women of Wine (SBRWOW) hosted DJ Chuck Moses for their second year anniversary!

Thank you to all our wonderful WOW for their support as well as Tyler Rose from the Ranch House Grill, who keeps the Sol Ballroom organized for us, and our wonderful, hardworking bartenders, Crystal and Ben! We appreciate you all!

The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women of Wine club meets on the third Thursday of every month at the Ranch House Grill Sol Ballroom.

Our next SBRWOW event is Thursday, May 16, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Ranch House Grill Sol Ballroom. We will be hosting Marie Mantoura with Touchstone Crystal Jewelry. There is a $1 cash-only admission fee.

There will be a portable bar set up for you to order your wines, appetizers, and food. If you prefer a different beverage, please order at the bar, and join us. Follow us on SBR Women of Wine on GroupWorks! If you’re not a member of GroupWorks, you can sign up for free at