Creating vision boards
Debora Witten
Creating with Friends has come to an end for 2024. The afternoon events for October and November were fun experiences with everyone doing a fast pastel color sketch with their non-dominant hand. Amazing results happened with the use of two colors creating windows into the beginnings of a vision board. The vision boards were started with an acrylic wash. Then words, pictures, etc. torn from magazines were applied to the surface using simple school glue. Each board was unique and showed the individual personality of each creative friend who participated.
Thank you to all the people who came to express themselves through different art mediums in 2024. We hope you had good experiences and found a creative outlet.
In 2025, we hope to see you for more art exploration. Creating with Friends plans to meet every third Thursday, 1 p.m. to 3 or 4 p.m. in the art room in the creative arts building. Watch for more info in the Ranch newspapers every month to confirm the dates and times.
Creating with Friends has no membership dues, no fees, no restrictions on attendance … come as you are to attend demos, hands–on experiences, and self expression through art. Supplies are provided and you can try a new art medium every time. We have helpers to get you started and provide you with inspiration. If you have a work in progress, bring it along. Art is good for the soul. Friends are even better.
If you have any questions, ideas, wants, or needs, please text Ginny Wise at 970-712-9596.