Coleen M. Elkins
Linda Shannon-Hills
The health insurance landscape can be tricky to navigate, for both under age 65 health insurance needs and for Medicare beneficiaries.
On Saturday, November 10 at 1:00 p.m., Coleen M. Elkins Health Insurance & Medicare Specialist will be at SaddleBrooke Ranch in LaMesa and Montana Rooms to discuss options you may want to consider.
Colleen Elkins is part of 24-7 Health Insurance and Medicare 4 Arizona offering information and services for all Medicare Plans including Supplemental, Medicare Advantage and Part D and health insurance for those under age 65.
She is certified in the under 65 health insurance market “On Marketplace” (Obamacare) and “Off Marketplace” (private purchase).
Take advantage of their 23-year experience and let them help you maximize your benefits!
The talk will provide an understanding of Medicare, provide action items that will help you understand your health insurance needs and understanding Medicare and the supplements will help you to maximize your benefits, to stay healthier and save money.
Coleen M. Elkins; Health Insurance & Medicare Specialist. They are a Member National Association of Health Underwriters. Toll Free 888-337-1705 ext-700 cell: 817-487-2111, website:24-7 Health Insurances.
Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 10 at 1:00 p.m. in La Mesa.