Members of The Shalom Club visit Nogales on a tour sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Southern Tucson; photo by Larry Schweitzer.
Kim Schweitzer and Arlene Wong
The Shalom Club is dedicated to the enrichment of Jewish life for SaddleBrooke Ranch residents.
Our goal is to create a warm and welcoming environment that builds life-long relationships, celebrates together, and supports each other in times of need.
A group of Shalom Club members met on Nov. 19, to brainstorm and plan programs and activities that continue to fulfill our mission.
Club volunteer, Sherry Weiss, welcomed the group. She reminded those in attendance how and when the club started (2014) and thanked founder Leslie Gordon for her leadership.
Signup sheets listing potential activities were provided for members to lead or participate in. It was very encouraging to see the sheets fill up with names. With that, we expect a full complement of cultural, religious, educational, charitable, and social activities to be put on the calendar.
We can look forward to breakfasts and learning, social action projects, cooking demonstrations, holiday services, movies, and more. Events are open to all Ranch residents.
It takes a village to make these things happen; no one can do it alone, and this group need never be alone.