The class with Barb Feeley Sullenger teaching
Joyce Honorof and Barbara Starrett
As part of our monthly Thursday teaching program, Barbara Feeley Sullenger, SaddleBrooke’s popular American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) Gold Life Master bridge teacher, has already taught two classes. On September 15 she presented a class on “Preempts – Responses in Competition” and on October 6 a class on “2-Suited Hands: Michael’s Cuebid, Unusual NT and DON’T.” An average of 40+ people enthusiastically attended each program.
These lectures were on play of the hand and conventions that were on the level of the advanced beginner to advanced intermediate players. Barb used a PowerPoint presentation and handouts that enabled everyone in the class to take away some information to help them in future games.
In addition to our weekly games, Small Slams will be having one class monthly except during the summer. The next lesson sponsored by the Small Slams Bridge Club is set for November 10 by Barbara Feeley Sullenger and will review “Leads and Signals.” All Small Slams Bridge Club lessons are open to any interested bridge player. More class and game information is available on our website: www.SmallSlamsBridgeClub.com.
Small Slams Bridge Club is an ACBL sanctioned duplicate bridge club. It is an invitational game limiting membership to SaddleBooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch community homeowners and renters and their guests with 0-750 masterpoints. When the space is limited, a resident/resident pair will have seating priority over a resident/guest pair even if the resident/resident pair is a walk-in without prior reservations. The club is designed for players interested in improving their duplicate game. Newcomers to duplicate bridge are welcome but must have a playing knowledge of bridge. Small Slams Bridge Club is open to ACBL and non-ACBL members. If you are not an ACBL member you are encouraged to join at ACBL.org. As a non-member you can still earn masterpoints in club games. Up to 20 points a year can be tracked and awarded when you join the ACBL.
Small Slams Bridge Club has a bridge game every Thursday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. with sign-up starting at 12:30 p.m. in the HOA One Activity Center. Walk-in pairs are welcome, or you can reserve a place by emailing us at [email protected]. No partner? No problem! Email us and we will try to find you one.