Stand With Israel Club Welcomes Professor Gerald Steinberg, President of NGO Monitor

Professor Gerald Steinberg

Don’t miss this one! Bring your friends!

Professor Gerald Steinberg is the founder and president of NGO Monitor and Professor Emeritus at Bar Ilan University. His presentation is titled “Follow the Money”—looking toward the sources of funding to nongovernment organizations (NGOs) that support terror, antisemitism, and BDS.

The event is April 8, at 7 p.m., at the DesertView Performing Arts Center, 39900 S. Clubhouse Dr, Tucson. Attendance is free. Please RSVP your attendance to

Stand With Israel is a nonpolitical, nonreligious club. Our primary mission is to advocate for Israel and fight antisemitism through education. We offer speakers, seminars, open discussions, and debates. Our primary purpose is to expose the truth and separate it from falsehoods regarding Israel and antisemitism. We hope you, your friends, and associates will participate in our events and programs. Please contact us at