Left to right: Gene Bywater, Ron Olson, Kim Luckman, Phil Hauck, and Rob Colman
Stuart Watkins
One SaddleBrooke resident was among the men who helped construct the Stations of the Cross at Vista de la Montana United Methodist Church in Catalina. As Gene Bywater posed by Station One, my camera caught a picture that looked like a ray of light was beaming down on the Prayer Hands on the cross.
The image may have been due to a smear on my camera lens, but it makes a striking image nevertheless. Vista Church members decided to construct the Stations of the Cross at the church.
Ron Olson did most of the ironwork and construction of the crosses, along with the Landscape Committee. It took a lot of participation by many men and women church members. The exhibit includes a replica of the tomb Jesus was placed in after His crucifixion. The entire exhibit is available for the public to visit.
Vista is located on the west side of Oracle Road as you are driving south through Catalina. Bashas’ Shopping Center is on the left and the entry driveway is just beyond the stoplight on the right.