Nan Nasser As April approaches SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) is presenting an outdoor garden tour that features a variety of art projects created by our own residents. Save the date Sunday, April 23, for this opportunity to view wonderful gardens and spectacular art. SBCO currently has artists who will display furniture, oil and watercolor paintings,…
Tag: Art
January 2017
Vista Fine Arts presents the Tempe Winds

Donna Langwig Vista Fine Arts is thrilled to host the Tempe Winds for their fourth concert in Tucson. The date is Sunday, January 22, 2017, at 3:00 p.m. and the place is Vista de la Montaña United Methodist Church, 3001 E. Miravista Lane in Catalina (on the west side of Oracle Road, 3.7 miles north…
January 2017
Fourth annual ARTwalk brings out the fabulous artists from the Ranch

Linda Shannon-Hills The SaddleBrooke Ranch ARTwalk has become an annual event, and the artists participating this year added to the great success. Unlike typical arts and craft shows the SBR ARTwalk provides artists an opportunity to show and even some to sell their work from their homes to the neighborhood visitors. The talents ranged from…
January 2017
“Watercolor on Canvas” – Two day workshop planned in March

As requested by the artists at SaddleBrooke Ranch, Kendahl Jan Jubb will return to share her internationally renowned artistic expertise at a two-day workshop on March 14 and 15, 2017. The technique will allow the finished painting to be hung for display without additional frame or glass. Supplies are provided for the participants! Pre-registration is…
December 2016
SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild expands class offerings
Jenni Long SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild is now partnering with The Drawing Studio to offer classes previously not offered in SaddleBrooke. Those classes include Classic and Contemporary Sumi-e, Drawing and Painting with Your iPad, Pastels and Friday Feedback, which will give an artist dedicated time with a working artist to review four to five pieces…
November 2016
Painting from the Source

Julie Goodman Metaphysical Study Group (MSG) will continue its speaker series with Aviva Gold on November 9, 2016 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the HOA One Activity Center. Aviva Gold MFA, ATR, LCSW will be presenting slides, stories and secrets of channeling transformational creativity. MSG is an exploratory group of like-minded individuals getting together to discuss…
November 2016
SaddleBrooke Ranch ARTwalk – Saturday, November 19

The fourth annual SBR ARTwalk will be on Saturday, November 19, 2016, from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m., an open-studio tour to introduce SaddleBrooke Ranch residents to the talented artists that live within our community. The event invites SaddleBrooke Ranch residents to stroll or cart to the various artists’ studio or space to meet the…
October 2016
SaddleBrooke Artisans fall Arts and Craft Fair
October 2016
Highly anticipated “watercolor on canvas” workshop planned for March 14-15, 2017

Watercolor on canvas will be offered March 14-15, 2017 at SaddleBrooke Ranch! Do not miss this extraordinary opportunity to experience and learn this technique. With lively vibrance, Kendahl Jan Jubb takes the traditional medium of watercolor to a new level with her watercolors on canvas. Specially treated canvases are the base on which Kendahl paints…
March 2016
A Weekend In The High Desert – 24th Annual Oracle Artist Studio Tour
Art in galleries is engaging, but art seen in the artists’ own studios, in historic ranches and barns, with the artists themselves there to talk about their work, is a special experience, one available to all who visit Oracle Saturday and Sunday, April 16 and 17, when the town’s art community will welcome visitors to…