Gathering Hearts, a SaddleBrooke Ranch Outreach Program, needs your donations of men’s toiletries. Examples: disposable razors, shaving cream, deodorant, body wash, etc. We will have a drop-off location at the Bistro during happy hour on Friday, August 5, between the hours of 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. Bring your donations down and stop and have a…
Tag: Donations
August 2016
Food Drive for San Manual Food Bank – August 24
On Wednesday, August 24, 2016, Gathering Hearts will be sponsoring a food drive. All donated food will be donated to the Tri County Food Bank in San Manual. Please have your nonperishable food at the end of your driveway by 8:00 a.m. and someone will be by to pick it up. An example of items…
Front Page, June 2016
Donations For Youth On Their Own

Gathering Hearts, the new SBR outreach program, had its first meeting on 5/5/2016. It was a mini-breakfast at the Bistro for ladies wherein they all brought feminine hygiene products that were donated to the Tucson area program Youth On Their Own (YOTO). YOTO supports the high school graduation of homeless unaccompanied youth in the Tucson…
May 2016
Donations needed for Youth On Their Own
Youth On Their Own, located on Alvernon Way in Tucson, has a need for the following: regular size deodorant, shaving cream, body wash/soap, toilet paper, new undergarments to fit size 13-21 year olds: boxers (no briefs please) or ladies underwear, socks (short/ankle, to wear with athletic shoes), bras, fabric softener sheets, shampoo and conditioner and…
September 2014
Amazon Smile Foundation
Nan Nasser Do you shop on Would you like a percentage of your purchase price to help needy youngsters in our area? Then AmazonSmile Foundation is for you! When you are ready to shop, go to Millions of items are eligible for a five percent donation to SaddleBrooke Community Outreach and are marked…