Tag: events

Unleash Your Creative Spirit

Debora Witten Creating with Friends will happen on Feb. 20 from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Art Room within the Creative Arts building. The premise of the event is for you to find your creative outlet … whether it is watercolor, colored pencils, acrylic, pastels, or pen and ink. Come and try some type of self…

Veterans Club Book Signing and Presentation

Mary Kay Voss The SaddleBrooke Ranch Veterans Club will host Francis Gary Powers Jr., author, founder of the Cold War Museum, and son of Air Force veteran Francis Gary Powers. The event on March 17 is both a book signing and presentation. Mr. Powers will be speaking on the Cold War, U-2 Incident, the Spielberg…

Paper Crafters Update and 2025 Activity Schedule

Nichole Lawhon The Paper Crafters continued community outreach and brought some holiday cheer over the past few months by delivering over 250 handcrafted cards along with gift baskets to The Rotary Club. The next distribution will be later this month. Please reach out to Suzy Claar if you would be interested in contributing to this…

SBRWOW Hosting Chuck Moses!

Deb McGiboney Save the date! SaddleBrooke Ranch Women of Wine (SBRWOW) is hosting Chuck Moses on Thursday, April 17 at the Ranch House Grill Sol Ballroom. Your spouses are invited to this special event! There is a $10 cash only admission fee per person. Doors open at 2 p.m. and music is from 3 to…

Western Dancers Sparkle for the Holidays

Janelle Authur Decked out in “something sparkly or red,” Western dancers kicked off the holiday season stepping out to Anthony Taylor Jr. and his band on Dec. 6, 2024, in the Sol Ballroom. The up-and-coming singer/songwriter entertained the sold out crowd with his boot scootin’ Classic Country music and his just-released first single, “Not Over…

Congregation B’Nai Midbar – February 2025

Energy Abounds! Melanie Einbund December services saw Rabbi Price get our attention as he raised a question ‘What is the role of the Rabbi?’ Speaking that a primary role is to be the Rabbi is a source of spiritual and pastoral guidance, a lens of Jewish tradition, and the importance of truth. Much to think…

National Parks Club Speaker Series

Linda Harvey Carlsbad Caverns National Park (NP) in New Mexico was the topic for the National Parks Club November 2024 meeting. We were fortunate to have National Park Service Ranger Wil Torpy via Zoom provide us with some special insight into this amazing park site. In 1995, Carlsbad Caverns NP was named a UNESCO World…

The Tri-Community Food Bank 2024 Annual Report to the Public

Marilee Jensen Agency Description: The Tri-Community Food Bank (TCFB) agency provides emergency food boxes to individuals that demonstrate need in the communities of Oracle, San Manuel, Mammoth, Aravaipa, and Dudleyville (Pinal County) in the southeastern area of Pinal County. TCFB also provides additional holiday programs. The TCFB is an IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, an Equal…

UA Master Gardener – February 2025

Learn How to Become a Master Gardener! Are you a plant lover? Do you like plants and want to learn more about all the fascinating varieties here in the Sonoran desert? Would you like to turn your “brown thumb” green? Want to meet new people, help others with their plant challenges, and make a difference…