Tag: events

New Freezer for Tri-Community Food Bank

Marilee Jensen Due to the increased numbers of families served in the communities of Oracle, San Manuel, Mammoth, and Dudleyville, and the increased amount of frozen food offered, the Tri-Community Food Bank (TCFB) greatly needed a new walk-in freezer. Thanks to funding from SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO), a new walk-in freezer was purchased and installed.…

Come Join the CyclePaths’ Fun-raiser

Diane Demeroutis and Barbara Barr Bengen Save to date of Nov. 23 to join the fun with the SaddleBrooke Rotary CyclePaths as they raise funds to end polio. Each year, we have so much fun as we ride in groups or privately on stationary bikes to raise money to eradicate polio! I know—you thought polio…

Jump-Start Your Holiday Shopping

The Santa Catalina Catholic Church’s Annual Craft and Gift Show is Saturday, Nov. 9, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 14380 N Oracle Rd. Jumpstart your holiday shopping for gifts and home decorating. Local crafters have created a wide variety of amazing handmade jewelry, metal art, rosaries, crosses, holiday decorations, and much more.

Voices in the Oaks Singing Choral Music in the Ranch

As Voices in the Oaks Chorale finish preparations for our tribute to the American roots of music on Sunday, Nov. 10 at 3 p.m. in the Sol Ballroom, we are also looking ahead to future events. Mark your calendars for our Holiday Concert featuring Voices and the SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Merry Carolers. Enjoy holiday favorites…

SaddleBrooke Singers Performing December 8!

Cheri A. Emahier Secure your seat now and look forward to a wonderful afternoon of festive cheer at DesertView Performing Arts Center. A fantastic way to get into the holiday spirit and to ensure your enjoyment is to buy tickets to the SaddleBrooke Singers’ “Hollywood Hollydays” concert. You absolutely don’t want to miss this show.…

Let’s Celebrate! Rosh Hashanah (Happy New Year) 5785!

Melanie Einbund Apples and honey, round challahs with raisins, blowing of the shofar, honey cakes, pomegranates, flowers, and all that is sweet and inviting as we welcome the New Year! We greet each other by saying L’shana tovah u’metukah (pronounced l’shah-NAH toe-VAH ooh-meh-too-KAH), which means “for a good and sweet year.” We are delighted to welcome…

SaddleBrooke Ranch Employee Appreciation

Please join us in celebrating our SaddleBrooke Ranch employees for the 14th year. Many of our employees here at the Ranch do not work in positions that provide residents with the opportunity to personally thank them throughout the year. All our employees play a big part in what makes the Ranch a special place we…

You Are Invited! Everyone Is Welcome!

Debora Witten Creating with Friends will be in the art room at the Creative Arts building on Oct. 24, 1 to 3 p.m., and Nov. 21, 1 to 3 p.m. These are the last two fun-filled events in 2024. There will be no demo for October, just come, pick out a medium to try, and express yourself. Supplies…