Tag: SaddleBrooke Community Outreach

Summer Food Program

Karen Stott and Terri Kunz with packed bags of food

For a second year SaddleBrooke Community Outreach hosted a food program for youngsters in the Mammoth area who would be eligible for a national free food program, which is not offered in the summer when school is closed. Working closely with Bashas’ Supermarket in Catalina, chairperson Paula Morgan and her close committee of Terri Kunz,…

New to You

Don’t miss the Golden Goose fashion show!

Betsy Lowry Yep, that is what the Golden Goose fashion show is all about. On September 12 at 3:00 p.m. in the MountainView Ballroom, the Golden Goose will be putting on a fashion show at the opening general meeting program of SaddleBrooke Community Outreach. This is the third show we have done, and it has…

SaddleBrooke Community Outreach

Hey look at us…SBCO presents our new mission statement and enchanced logo In February 2016 the SBCO Board met to review our progress since SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) was founded in August 1996, 20 years ago, and to discuss our role in the future. Since the beginning SBCO has continually expanded its programs to provide…

Polish your sneakers

Nan Nasser As we tolerate three-digit temperatures and monsoon humidity it is difficult to envision participating in a walkathon. But on October 29, 2016 you are invited to join the annual SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Walkathon, marking the beginning of our 20th year of service to kids in nearby towns. The walk will begin in the…

SBCO 2015-2016 wrap up

Winter is over, school is out and snowbirds have left so things are slowing down in SaddleBrooke. However, SBCO will continue to work hard over the summer in preparation for the start of our 20th year of service. We will celebrate our wonderful volunteers as without them we could not exist as we are a…

Donations For Youth On Their Own

Gathering Hearts, the new SBR outreach program, had its first meeting on 5/5/2016. It was a mini-breakfast at the Bistro for ladies wherein they all brought feminine hygiene products that were donated to the Tucson area program Youth On Their Own (YOTO). YOTO supports the high school graduation of homeless unaccompanied youth in the Tucson…

SBCO honors volunteers and programs

Steve Groth, Education VP for SBCO, is presenting a plaque to Ted Wiseman and Sam Rossi.

Nan Nasser On Monday, April 11, SaddleBrooke Community Outreach hosted its annual Appreciation Event honoring all volunteers and programs for the past fiscal year. Among the many to be recognized were those who participated in our clothing programs (Kids’ Closet, Teen Closet), education programs (college scholarships, local tutoring in neighboring schools, and support of enrichment…

Residents participate in annual SBCO Community Food Drive

Left to right: Gary Boydstun, Carol Fielding, Ted Widerman, Gene Lawrence, Bud and 
Marilee Fairbanks, Mike Fielding, Pamela and Bob Wample and Bob Johnson

Nan Nasser For the 17th year SaddleBrooke Community Outreach has sponsored a community food drive to benefit our neighbors in Pinal County. On Saturday, March 19, members of SBCO and area residents were involved in curbside pickups, bringing donations to the MountainView Country Club parking lot, sorting all food, checking for expiration dates and making…

Volunteers wanted

Mark your calendars; it’s almost that time again. The annual SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Food Drive will be held on Saturday, March 19, 2016. Last year, through the generosity and support of SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch residents, the drive collected over 19,000 pounds of non-perishable food items along with a very generous number of cash donations.…