Sam Miller On Sunday evening, Jan. 12, the SaddleBrooke SkyGazers Astronomy Club will present Christa DeCoursey, a fourth-year PhD student at the University of Arizona and a member of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES) team. The Program presentation will be at the DesertView Theater, 39900 S. Clubhouse Drive, at…
Tag: SkyGazers
Clubs & Classes, November 2024
November Skygazers Program: Extragalactic Astronomy Research at the Large Binocular Telescope
Sam Miller On Sunday, Nov. 10, the SaddleBrooke Skygazers Astronomy Club will present Dr. Joannah Hinz, an Associate Research Professor and Deputy Director of the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) Observatory at the University of Arizona’s Steward Observatory. The program presentation will be at the DesertView Theater, 39900 S. Clubhouse Drive, at 7 p.m. Dr Hinz’…
April 2018
SaddleBrooke SkyGazers
Rita Fletcher You, your family and friends are all invited to “see more clearly” some spectacular sights! Star Parties are held at the SaddleBrooke Softball Field parking lot. Please enter and exit with only your car’s parking lights on, so as not to disturb those already viewing through our members’ telescopes and binoculars. Carry…
October 2017
SaddleBrooke SkyGazers
Rita Fletcher October 8, 7:00-8:30 p.m., Dr. Tom Fleming, U of A, will present Making Relativity Simple in HOA One activity center. Dr. Fleming received his A.B. in Physics from Cornell University and his Ph.D. in Astronomy from the U of A. He has worked with NASA in the field of x-ray astronomy. He serves…
June 2017
Last chance
Rita Fletcher Thursday, June 15, 8:00-10:00 p.m. at SaddleBrooke’s Soft Ball Field/Dog Park parking Lot, be there! SkyGazers, SaddleBrooke’s astronomy club, will be! There will be no star parties during the summer. Star attractions to be viewed through members’ telescopes are Jupiter and Saturn. Saturn will be up over the Catalinas by 9:00 p.m. Globular…
May 2017
SaddleBrooke Skygazers
Rita Fletcher May 17, Wednesday, and June 15, Thursday, from 8:00-10:00 p.m. are the last two star parties until September due to monsoon season; come enjoy the warm evening, ask tons of questions, see spectacular stellar scenes for free at the softball field parking lot adjacent to the dog park just past DesertView Theater. Please…
April 2017
SaddleBrooke Skygazers
You’re invited to a Star Party Rita Fletcher Come see what is not visible to your naked eye! Where you saw only an empty black space, now through a telescope you will see surprises like the moons of Jupiter, the fascinating and tilting ring system around Saturn, the true brilliance of Venus, nebulas, globular clusters,…
February 2017
SaddleBrooke Skygazers
SaddleBrooke Skygazers Astronomy Club presents…Planet 9 Rita Fletcher Want a breath of fresh air from the news on planet Earth? Enjoy learning about the latest goings on in our solar system. Renu Malhotra, LPL, a hotshot in her field will astound you with information. She is a Professor of Planetary Sciences at the U of…