Sorting donations (photo by Shirley Lewis)
Linda Shannon-Hills
On Oct. 19, the Creative Giving of SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) sponsored a blanket–a–thon with the help of Bob and Shirley Lewis, residents of SBR. They left their Jeep pickup at the parking area near the pond for residents to drop off slightly used blankets, sleeping bags, men’s and women’s clothing, new socks and underwear, as well as hygiene products for the homeless. On Sunday, they deliver the first load to the Z Mansion located in Tucson.
Since 2002, the Z Mansion has been a center for the poor and the homeless serving hundreds of thousands of meals without a single penny being collected. This project counts on the true kindness of the exceptional people like SaddleBrooke Ranch residents and others in Tucson who bring donations of fresh food, clothing, blankets, pet supplies, and so much more. The Z Mansion also works closely with the Amity Foundation, TIHAN, and YWCA to provide services to the homeless.
The Z Mansion is known as a popular wedding venue in Tucson. It’s a beautiful location in the historic area of the city.
The Ranch collected over 120 blankets and sleeping bags, a full pickup bed full of new underwear and socks, men and women’s clothing, along with a huge box of hygiene products. We had so much, Bob and Shirley had to make two trips in their Jeep pickup to deliver all the donated items.
This was the third year Creative Giving of SaddleBrooke Ranch—with a mission to sew, crochet, and knit items for foster babies and children, veterans, and residents of the Ranch—has expanded their mission to collect the items we take to the Z Mansion.
Every Sunday at the Z, up to 200 homeless women, men, and children are served a bountiful brunch by a dedicated team of volunteers. They also hand out items and provide medical assistance to guests and their pets in need. Thomas and Emmeline Hill, owners of the Z Mansion, are now transferring The Z to a foundation to continue to expand their mission.
The Z Mansion is located at 288 N Church Avenue in Tucson.
Creative Giving sends a huge thank you to the residents for your donations. Also, thanks to Bob and Shirley Lewis for their assistance.