2023 Team SBR: Strong—Brave—Resilient at the Tucson Light the Night Cancer Walk
Sandy Jessop
For eight years, the Cancer Support Group has come together to raise funds and awareness for various cancers. 2023 was no exception.
We began promoting the annual Cancer Support Group Golf Cart Ride and Cancer Walk several months before these events. We were pleasantly surprised at the number of residents who registered for the weekend. As advertised, there is no cost to register and no big push to donate. But residents and their friends and families came through, and by the weekend of activities, our team (SBR: Strong—Brave—Resilient) had raised over $11,200 for the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society (LLS).
Approximately 65 people joined the golf cart ride, and caring residents sat outside to cheer us on as we rode through almost every unit at SaddleBrooke Ranch.
More than 20 team members also attended the LLS Light the Night 1k Walk at Rillito Park in Tucson. Our team was highlighted and honored for our fundraising efforts. We were treated to a delicious dinner from Texas Roadhouse and received a mention on KVOA News.
The Cancer Support Group is incredibly grateful for our community support. The day this article was written, the fundraising total reached $11,589. Although this walk has ended, you can donate until Dec. 31, 2023. Just go to https://pages.lls.org/ltn/az/TucsonL23/SBR, select a team member’s name (with a total of 65 members, you’re bound to find someone you know), and donate directly on their page.
Our community is definitely strong, brave, resilient—and wonderful!
A special thanks to Jim Hoagland for leaving his delicious dinner at the Ranch House Grill to take our team photos!