Pictured left to right: Linda Shannon-Hills, Linda Harvey, Carol Smith, Janice Neal, Jean Morgan, Ross Messer and Florence Messer
Janice Neal
The SBR Recreation and Social Committee was treated to a lovely holiday lunch by the SBR HOA as a thank you for volunteering to help the HOA in planning and running social events over the past year. The ALC Committee was treated as well. The lunch was delicious and along with the two committees, Tim, Andrea, Dani and Mary from our HOA attended along with Jason Hatch from Sales and Jack Sarsam from Robson Corporate.
The Recreation and Social committee is looking for two new volunteers. This committee helps plan and organize social events, suggests new events, discusses how to improve on events and how to involve more residents in events.
We are looking for a commitment of at least one year. The committee meets once a month at the clubhouse, usually on the first Wednesday of every month. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please submit your letter of interest, which should include your name, email address and phone number and what you would bring to the committee, to either the front reception desk at the clubhouse or by sending an email to alex.baker@robson with your information. The committee will then contact those individuals to set up interviews.