Linda Thomas, Cherie Utsler, Alyce Grover, Cyndie Grover
Ranch 7up women’s social
Linda Shannon-Hills
One can be a stranger, even from a neighbor but the women decided to bridge the gap to begin a closer tie to their neighbors.
The women of unit 7 met for a social on the Event Patio at the Ranch House on Friday, April 5, overlooking the beautiful view of the SaddleBrooke Lake and the Santa Catalina Mountains. The patio was buzzing with over 60 women enjoying the beautiful April day and meeting new friends.
Most of the residents in the other units at SaddleBrooke Ranch move in around the same time, so meeting the new neighbors comes a bit faster but for Unit 7, some homes were built in 2011 while others were completed in February of 2019, plus this unit is the largest in the community with 130 lots and more streets going off in different directions.
Linda challenged the women to meet at least five new women in our unit. Not standing still, many circulated the patio to meet these “new to them” neighbors.The comments from the women in attendance, “This was really a fun event and really appreciate you making it happen! Everyone was excited to meet new neighbors, and certainly I had no idea “our” unit was so large! Sure hope it becomes a regular event.” “Thank you for arranging a very fun and successful event. I hope we have more in the future. I met so many neighbors, but there were so many more I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting.” “This event was so much fun, and I did meet six new women I did not know.” “Let’s do this again very soon!”
More fun events are on the planning table, stay tune for more adventures of Ranch 7up Neighbors.
Unit 8 Ar’s up for a challenge
Denise Doepke
On the evening of Saturday, April 6, thirty-eight residents of Unit 8A proved they were up for the challenge of trying to recognize and identify their neighbors at an earlier age at a “Who’s Who” party.
The Who’s Who theme was reflected from the main entry to the outside patio, with silhouette posters and decorations in shades of baby pink and baby blue throughout.
After brief socializing on the patio, the residents enjoyed a variety of hearty appetizers prepared by the co-hostesses that included BBQ meatballs, mac and cheese, a mashed cauliflower casserole, shrimp, ham and cheese sliders, chicken curry lettuce wraps, tuna salad pasta shells, tuna salad mini peppers, coleslaw and a green salad.
With appetites satisfied, everyone was ready and eager to guess “who’s who” from the photos supplied by those attending. The slide show consisted of 40+ photos ranging from babies to teenagers. The Unit 8A-ers met the challenge with gusto and enthusiasm, and guessed at least 70% of their neighbors in the photos.
Delicious desserts were served after the slide show that included buntinis, brownies, lemon bars and fruit skewers. Another fun evening of laughs and socializing for neighbors in Unit 8A.
The party was hosted by Stan and Denise Doepke at their home. Co-hostesses were Unit 8A-ers Betty Ryan, Carolee Bailey, Dian Gowen, Evie Thompson, Kathy Tossey and Maia Schenkel.