Marion Ewing, Judy Smith, and Marilyn Erdei picked up plants to sell during the SaddleBrooke Ranch ARTwalk in October.
Judy Smith
SaddleBrooke resident Linda Bradner’s green thumb proved to be a windfall to the SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Women of Action. She donated carloads of plants that will be on sale at the ARTwalk in SaddleBrooke Ranch in October. She self-propagated the plants and grew them in her beautiful yard in SaddleBrooke. Marion Ewing, Judy Smith, and Marilyn Erdei picked up not only the plants, but tips on becoming plant enthusiasts. The plants include succulents and cactus, along with other varieties that grow well in Arizona.
SBR Women of Action serves Republicans and Independents by supplying information on candidates and how to preserve our nation whose Constitution is unique in world history. We urge like-minded women to join us for information and fellowship.