Judy Smith
Everyone’s lives contain those moments when happiness and contentment disappear only to be replaced by fear, uncertainty and deflated spirits. “How to Have Joy” is a Precept study on the book of Philippians that teaches us how to have joy in spite of the inevitable difficult circumstances in our lives. Precept Ministries is a non-denominational Bible study ministry that emphasizes studying the Bible inductively.
Philippians is one of Paul’s letters to one of the churches he founded to encourage them in the midst of trials and persecution. It is a 10-week study starting on January 15, 2015. We meet in the La Mesa room at the clubhouse from 9:00-11:00 a.m. every Thursday. The class is open to men and women. The cost for the workbook is $20.25 plus shipping.
Please consider joining us!
If you are interested, contact Judy Smith at jsmithcwfa@kc.rr.com or 520-355-5060 to register.